Programs Offered

S. No. Information Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Bachelor of Science (BS) Master of Business Administration (MBA) Master of Science (MS)
Business Analytics Accounting and Finance Computer Science Economics and Mathematics Economics Social Sciences and Liberal Arts




Admission requirement Higher secondary school certificate With a minimum of 65% marks
A levels (minimum of 2 'B's and 1 'C') in 3 principal subjects
American high school diploma minimum of 80% or An international baccalaureate (minimum 25/45)
Higher secondary school certificate (Pre-engineering
general group with mathematics) with minimum 60% marks or A levels (minimum of 1 ‘B’ and 2 ‘C’s)
in 3 principal subjects including Mathematics
American high school diploma minimum of 80%
An international baccalaureate (minimum 24/45)
Higher secondary school certificate (any group with 60% marks)
A levels (minimum of 1 ‘B’ and 2 ‘C’s) in 3 principal subjects
American high school diploma (minimum of 80%)
An international baccalaureate (minimum 24/45)
BS-Mathematics applicants must possess a mathematics background at the high school level.

Applicants must have completed:
Higher secondary school certificate (Pre-engineering
General group with mathematics) with minimum 60% marks
‘A’ levels (minimum of 1 ‘B’ and 2 ‘C’s)
in 3 principal subjects including Mathematics
American high school diploma minimum of 80%
An international baccalaureate (minimum 24/45)
All other degree holders must provide an equivalency certificate from IBCC.
A minimum of 16 years of education out of which 4 years should have been spent in an HEC recognized university/degree awarding institute with:
A minimum of 60% aggregate marks (Percentage is only considered incase of CGPA is not available)
A minimum of 2.50 CGPA on a scale of 4.00 (as applicable) (A minimum of 3 years of professional experience)
A minimum of 16 years of education out of which 4 years should have been spent in an HEC recognized university / degree-awarding institute with a minimum CGPA of 2.5, or 60% in the last degree (as applicable). Note: Percentage is only considered in case of CGPA is not available


Aptitude test component - English composition (MCQs)
- Mathematics (MCQs)
- English composition (MCQs)
- Mathematics (MCQs)
- English composition (MCQs)
- Mathematics (MCQs)
- English composition (MCQs)
- English comprehension
(essay writing skills)
- Mathematics (MCQs)
- English composition (MCQs) -
Mathematics (MCQs)
- Essay writing


Aptitude test - difficulty level SAT-I SAT-I and SAT-II (Mathematics) SAT-I SAT-I GMAT/GRE GRE general and GMAT


Aptitude test exemption**

------------- See below -------------

Minimum 600 score in GMAT/ 160 in quantitative and 150 in verbal GRE (int’l)

160 in quantitative and
150 in verbal GRE (int'l)


Student profile Avg. age: 19 Avg. age: mid 20s


Graduation requirement 40 courses,
128 credit hours,
responsible citizen initiative (RCI),
corporate internship
41 courses, 131 credit hours, 1 research project, responsible citizen initiative (RCI), corporate internship 40 courses, 128 credit hours, 1 research project, responsible citizen initiative (RCI), corporate internship 40 courses, 126 credit hours, 1 research project, responsible citizen initiative (RCI), corporate internship (optional) 39 courses, 125 credit hours, 1 culminating experience/thesis, responsible citizen initiative (RCI), research internship (8-10 week) 40 courses, 126 credit hours, responsible citizen initiative (RCI), corporate internship 40 courses, 128 credit hours, 1 research project  

6 core courses,
4 electives,
30 credit hours,
6 credit hours

Personal effectiveness course (PE) Personal effectiveness course (PE) Personal effectiveness course (PE) Personal effectiveness course (PE) Personal effectiveness course (PE) Personal effectiveness course (PE)  



Click here to view the fee structure


Classes start ---------------------August---------------------


Duration 4 years full time   Minimum 1.5 years to
Maximum 4 years 


Campus main/city ---------------------main---------------------   Main

** ACT Scores for the Test Exemption & Exemption policy for SAT based candidates:

SAT Exemption Policy for BBA, BSAF, BSBA, BSCS, BSMT, BSECO, BSSS & BSEM Programs

Important Note:

Direct admission or qualification for an interview based on SAT scores is not guaranteed. There is no minimum SAT score required for aptitude test exemption, and only the top SAT scorers in the SAT merit list will be granted direct admission or called for an interview.

While you may choose to skip the IBA's aptitude test if you're confident in your SAT performance, we strongly encourage all candidates to take the IBA test to improve their chances of admission. If you skip the IBA aptitude test and apply solely based on your SAT scores and do not qualify for direct admission or an interview as per merit list, you will be placed on the list of unsuccessful candidates. The SAT merit list will be compiled and announced along with the IBA aptitude test result.

Therefore, if you believe your SAT score is not among the top, we recommend appearing for the aptitude test as well.

BBA & BSBA programs - ACT
- A Composite Score of 29 (out of 36)
- An English / Writing Score of 25 (out of 36)

BSSS program - ACT
- A Composite Score of 28 (out of 36)
- An English / Writing Score of 25 (out of 36)

BSAF, BSCS, BSECO and BSEM program - ACT
- A Composite Score of 28 (out of 36)
- Score of English / Writing is not required for the purposes of admission, however may preferably be submitted for placement in English courses subsequent to admission


S.No. Information Master of Science (MS)
1 Admission requirement Computer Science Economics Mathematics Islamic Banking
and Finance
Management Journalism Data Science Finance Development Studies General Psychology
full time part time full time part time
A minimum of 16 years of
education in the relevant discipline
out of which 4 years
should have spent in an HEC
recognized university/degree
awarding institute with:
a minimum of 60% aggregate marks (Percentage is only considered incase of CGPA is not available)
A minimum of 2.50 CGPA on a scale
of 4.00 (as applicable)
A minimum of 16 years of education (BS/M.Sc. - Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Statistics) and be out of which 4 years should have spent in an HEC recognized university/ degree awarding institute with: a minimum of 60% aggregate marks (Percentage is only considered incase of CGPA is not available)
A minimum of 2.50 CGPA on a scale of 4.00 (as applicable)
A minimum of 16 years of education/ equivalent degree in any discipline from a local or foreign institute recognized by the HEC, with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 out of 4.0 ,
60% marks (Percentage is only considered incase of CGPA is not available) in their last degree (as applicable).
All equivalency claims shall be evaluated by the HEC. Experience is not mandatory for this program.
A minimum of 16 years of education/ equivalent degree in any discipline from a local or foreign institute recognized by the HEC, with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 out of 4.0,
50% marks (Percentage is only considered incase of CGPA is not available) in their last degree (as applicable). All equivalency claims shall be evaluated by the HEC. Applicants with prior journalism experience are encouraged to apply
A minimum 16 years of education in the relevant subject of Science (such as Computer Science, Statistics, Economics, Mathematics, Accounts & Finance, Physics, etc.) and Engineering (Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering,
etc.) with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 out of 4 (in a semester-based system), or 60% marks (in annual system) in their last degree.
Note: Percentage is only considered incase of CGPA is not available
A minimum of 16 years of education out of which 4 years should have been spent in an HEC recognized university / degree-awarding institute with a minimum CGPA of 2.5,
60% in the last degree (as applicable).
Note: Percentage is only considered incase of CGPA is not available
A minimum of 16 years of education out of which 4 years should have been spent in an HEC recognized university / degree-awarding institute with a minimum CGPA of 2.5, or 60% in the last degree (as applicable). Candidates with work experience are preferred
Note: Percentage is only considered incase of CGPA is not available
Applicant must have completed minimum of 16-years of education, including last 4 years of education from an HEC recognized university/institute. Although the program is designed to cater to all disciplines, prior knowledge or understanding of social science and/or psychology will be advantageous. Minimum entry requirement is of CGPA 2.5 out of 4.0, or 60% marks, in the last degree attained. All equivalency claims shall be evaluated by HEC. Work experience is not a mandatory requirement for admission in this program. Students who may not have a prior background in social sciences and psychology will be required to undertake additional foundation courses.
2 Aptitude test component

- English composition (MCQs)
- Mathematics (MCQs)
- Subject specialization

- English composition (MCQs)
- Mathematics (MCQs)
- Economics (MCQs)

- English composition (MCQs)
- Mathematics (MCQs)

- English composition (MCQs)
- Mathematics (MCQs)

- English composition (MCQs)
- Mathematics (MCQs)
- Essay writing

- English composition (MCQs)
- Essay writing
- GK/Current affairs

Fall Semester (for NON-CS stream only)
- English (MCQs)
- Mathematics (MCQs)

Spring Semester (for CS stream only)
- English (MCQs)
- Mathematics (MCQs)
- Computer Science (MCQs)

- English Composition (MCQs)
- Mathematics (MCQs)
- Finance (MCQs)

- English Composition (MCQs)
- Mathematics (MCQs)
- Essay writing

- English composition (MCQs)
- Mathematics (MCQs)
- Psychology (MCQs)
- Essay writing

3 Aptitude test -
difficulty level
GRE general + specialization TOEFL or IELTS
GRE (int’l) math subjective test
GRE general and GMAT - GRE general GRE General or GMAT exam GRE general GRE general
4 Aptitude test
160 in quantitative and 150 in verbal GRE (int’l) 60 percentile in GRE (int’l) Maths subjective test 160 in quantitative and 150 in verbal GRE (int’l)
600 score in GMAT
- Minimum 600 scores
in GMAT / 160 in
Quantitative & 150
in the Verbal section
of GRE required
Minimum score of 650 in the
Quantitative GRE General, 160 in
Quantitative section of Revised GRE
General, OR 600 score in GMAT
160 in quantitative and 150 in verbal GRE (int'l) 160 in quantitative and
150 in verbal GRE (intl)
5 Student profile Avg. age: mid 20s Avg. age: 20s - 30s     Avg. age: mid 20s   Avg. age: mid 20s   Avg. age: mid 20s
6 Graduation requirement MS without Thesis 9 courses (27 credit hours) and a MS Project (3 credit hours), or MS with Thesis: 8 courses (24 credit hours), MS Thesis-I (3 credit hours) and MS Thesis-II (3 credit hours) 42 credit hours,
12 courses and 1 thesis
6 credit hours,
36 credit hours
through courses,
6 credit hours
through thesis
6 core courses,
2 electives,
24 credit hours,
thesis 6 credit hours
MS core and elective courses: 12 courses, 36 credit hours, Research thesis or Project Paper*: 6 credit hours 6 core courses,
2 area core courses,
2 electives,
30 credit hours,
6 credit hours
12 courses,
39 credit hours,
1 capstone project,
1 internship
MS without Thesis 9 courses (27 credit hours) and a MS Project (3 credit hours), or MS with Thesis: 8 courses (24 credit hours), MS Thesis-I (3 credit hours) and MS Thesis-II (3 credit hours)

7 courses, 3 electives,
(30 credit hours),
(6 credit hours) 

8 courses
(30 credit hours) and
1 thesis
(6 credit hours),
6 courses
(24 credit hours) and
1 thesis (6 credit hours) for
students exempted from 2
foundation courses

Note: (Interview panel
will decide
which students are
from foundation courses.)
8 courses
(24 credit hours)
and 1 thesis
(6 credit hours)

Note: (Interview panel
will decide
which students
are exempted
from foundation course
which is a
non-credit course
for non-social
background applicants)
7 Fees

Click here to view the fee structure

8 Classes start August August and January August August August   August August August
9 Duration 2 years 1.5 years 2 years 1.5 years 2 years 2 years
10 Campus city main/city city main city main city main main


S.No. Information Executive MBA (EMBA) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
1 Admission
Various specializations Economics  Computer Science  Mathematics
A minimum of 16 years of qualification out of
which 4 years should have been spent in an
HEC recognized university/degree awarding
institution with:
A minimum of 60% aggregate marks (Percentage is only considered incase of CGPA is not available)
a minimum of 2.50 CGPA on a scale of 4.00
(as applicable)
A minimum of 5 years of managerial experience
MS/MPhil/equivalent in relevant subject from HEC
recognized local/foreign university with:
minimum 60% aggregate marks (Percentage is only considered incase of CGPA is not available) in the last degree
A minimum 3.0 CGPA on a scale of 4.00 in the last degree
where applicable
also have to fulfill specific requirements by
the respective departments
2 Aptitude test
- Business English (MCQs)
- Case study
- Applied Mathematics (MCQs)
- English composition (MCQs)
- Mathematics (MCQs)
- Subject specialization
- English composition
- Mathematics
3 Aptitude test -
difficulty level
GRE general + specialization
CS subject test TOEFL or IELTS
GRE Math subjective test
4 Aptitude test
Minimum 600 score in GMAT/
160 in quantitative and 150 in verbal GRE (int’l)
160 in quantitative and 150 in
verbal GRE (int’l)
60 percentile in
GRE (int’l) Maths
subjective test
5 Student profile Avg. age: mid 30’s
Avg. work experience: 7 years
Avg. age: 26
6 Graduation
24 courses,
72 credit hours,
1 project,
comprehensive exam
6 courses,
24 credit hours,
1 dissertation,
24 credit hours
6 courses,
18 credit hours,
12 credits
total 30 credits
6 courses,
18 credit hours,
comprehensive exam,
synopsis proposal,
7 Fees

Click here to view the fee structure

8 Classes start August and January   August                               August and January
9 Duration 2.5 years 4 years
10 Campus main main/city




PGD Programs



Various specializations


 - 16 years of Education: with at least 1.50 Years Post qualification work experience
 - 14 years of Education: with at least 3 Years Post qualification work experience
 - In any subject from HEC recognized university. A minimum of 50% aggregate marks in last degree (percentage is only considered in-case of CGPA is not available) or a minimum of 2.20 CGPA on a scale of 4.00.


Aptitude test

 - English
 - Essay writing skills (Specialized)
 - Mathematics /Logic


Aptitude test -
difficulty level

 - English Comprehension - SAT and/or TOEFL
 - Mathematics /Logic - A Level
 - Essay will be related to the area of specialization applied


Aptitude test



Student profile

Avg. age: mid 30's



 - Total 39 Credit hours
    - 12 Courses (36 Credit Hours)
    - Capstone Project (3 Credit hours)




Classes start




1 year weekend program with Max. 3 years completion period


